Friday, 29 June 2012

Being pregnant at 24

I am 18 weeks into pregnancy!

I am going 24yr old this year, a age where most of my friends are still having fun clubbing, staying up all night long, partying and doing all sort of crazy stuff. All these stuff comes to a stop for me once I learn that I'm pregnant at March this year.

My First Reaction
I still remember the day I went to a clinic in complain of feeling nauseous and dizzy, the moment my pregnancy test come out positive My TEARS CAN'T STOP FLOWING. It's a mixture of feeling; surprised (even though I'm half suspecting it, late periods and stuff), feeling excited but also being scare as I'm unmarried at that point of time. I don't know why but the feeling of having a life inside me is so Freaking Amazing that my tears flows non stop almost 1-2 hours, not like a waterfall more like a leaking tap.

The Down Side
How to break the news to my parents is freaking me out and the thoughts of how people will look at me for being pregnant and unmarried is really putting me down but however the option of going for an abortion have NEVER cross my mind. 
(well, I've been telling my friends that I'll abort if I'm pregnant beforehand)

In case you are wondering where is the father, he is very supportive because he always want to have kids so we got married in May and is living together now. (Mostly Happily)

Morning Sickness???
This  is the question I've gotten most! and I proudly answer them that I did not vomit even once during the first trimester even though I have the nauseous and dizzy spell but I'm consider lucky for not having to stuck my head around the toilet bowl in the morning :)

However I do feel extremely tired during the first trimester, like I can NEVER get enough sleep and all I can think of is sleeping, at work, in transport, while going out with friends... etc. I can go to bed as early as 9pm plus at night and still feel tired the next day! I looked it up on Google and it seems to be  pretty normal to feel tired (as body is working extra hard and provide nutrients for baby growth).

Baby Date
Since this is the first blog about my pregnancy, I'm going to do up all the gynae visit I had till now!

The 1st time we went to the Gynae is During on 2nd April, about 6 weeks pregnant mostly to confirm that I'm indeed pregnant and to check the heartbeat of the baby, also to see how many baby I'm having.
Just a sac and a pea like thing
 The 2nd time is when I'm about 9 weeks pregnant, to check if the baby is healthy or not, nothing much though still is the sac and baby looking like embryo, can't tell on the Ultra sound photo.

Look like a lump of baby
I'm 13weeks pregnant During the 3rd visit to the Gynae, for doing OSCAR Test, a scan to check if the baby is growing well, if there is risk of my baby having down syndrome and also to do a blood test. The test comes out well, Baby is at low risk and I'm healthy! (I can see my baby's arms and legs moving around during this time round!)

Able to tell the head and the body apart!
The most recent scan is while I'm 17weeks pregnant! which is just last week :) I've been really looking forward to this scan as this is the period where the gynae will be able to tell if my baby is a boy or a girl!  HOWEVER, the shy baby in me doesn't like people peaking at the private part.... now i have to wait till mid July for detailed scan to know the gender! by then the Sale period will be long over!! Boo~~~
Baby in fetus position
Isn't this amazing? from a pea to a formed baby, that's the life that is happening right now, inside me!

Off to have a nap before going for The Amazing Spider-Man movie later :D