I'm like 19 weeks pregnant and I just can't stop eating!!! Beside the normal 3 meals (breakfast, Lunch and Dinner), which I usually can't seem to be able to stop myself to have fruits, rasin, nuts, biscuit, cereal etc..ete.. in between the meals.
I will need to deal with my appetite and control the amount of sugar intake!!!
The most fustrating thing is that I'm not able to even finish my proper 3 meals, it seems like although my mouth is itchy for food all the time but half a portion of a normal meal will be able to fill me up, which leads to lots of food being stuff in to my hubby's stomach instead... hahahaha..
Myth of having craving?
I do not have any special craving so far, beside eating Tom Yum Bee Hoon Kuey and prefer my food to be a little more spicy, nothing more.
Hubby is lucky that I didn't wake up in at 3am and demand for food. He keep asking me (baby) if we wanna have durians or not though. Durian are said to be Very good in nutrients for baby another myth I guess?
Well, the Doctor tell me to stay away from fruit (durian, mangoes, grapes) that are high in sugar as I had already put on too much weight. I had alredy put on about 6kg!!! and the maximum I am allowed to gain is about 10-12kg, and I am not even in my late 2nd trimester yet... (I NEED TO CONTROL)
Yeah control but still cant help to reach for a bite of that fruits and nut chocolate bar, a cupcake from 12cupcakes... T_T
I've read up that I'm only suppose to take in another 250 to 300calories more as compare to when i'm not pregnant, that is enough nutrients for the baby to grow, so those people who say 'you eat more because you are eating for two.' are totally clueless about being pregnant.
Gaining too much of weight during pregnancy will leads to:

**taken from http://www.pregnancy-calendars.net/weightcontrol.aspx **
Understand my concern now? Just being careful for the sake of my little precious health and also my own health.
Note: Overweight pregnant women Watch what you are eating, count the calories.. There is really a need for that!
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