At last... I finally reaches the full term week!!!
It means I'll be able to meet my little one soon and also putting an end to carrying a big tummy everywhere I go.
At work
People have been asking me when am I due or when will the baby be out, so I have been educating people about the 'range of 5 weeks' thing and it's not up to me to decide when I want the baby to be out (unless I have opt for a C-Section which I didn't). It's entirely up to the lil one decision on when to come out to say hi.
Beside the questioning, people around me seems to be more careful when I'm around, most try to help me with task so I don't need to walk around much. Most people tell me to walk slowly and be careful of this and that etc etc.. somehow they feel like I'm very fragile and will break at any moment.
At home
The maid that we hired finally arrived a couple of weeks ago. It is so so so so strange to have another person in the house, a outsider, I don't know how long I will take to get use to it and I am not even entirely use to living with my hubby and mother in law yet even after these few months.... I wonder how long I'll take to adjust myself, not to mention that the lil one will be out soon, guess there will be a lot of adjustment and getting use to being required.
Been trying to tidy up things to get ready for the arrival of my lil one but it just seem like everything is still half done and the worse thing is that I'm is getting a lil bit too huge to move around and be as agile as I use to be.
I am worried that I might get postpartum depression, which is not a uncommon thing to happen to new mummies, even now when I'm having negative thoughts, it STAYS in my mind for at least 1-2days, really afraid that I will not be able to cope well with my new role, a mother.
How to not be frighten when I still feel like a child now? People always says that a person will be mature after being a parent etc etc. BUT that isn't going to happen overnight right? Even a optimistic person (usually) like me will feel depress and also at lost at times. ESPECIALLY now, I'm pregnant, all the hormones and stuff just make me unlike myself sometimes, getting work up over little things.
People around me have been telling me what I should do and what I should not do during the past few months till I have quite enough of it and different people says different things so which one should i actually listen to? For people with experience of being pregnant they should know that all pregnancy are different, why do they impose what they have gone through to me... =.=
I'm quite looking forward to ending of pregnancy Do and Don't from peoples but What coming up next will be infant/childcare Dos and Don'ts.. AND confinement Dos and Don'ts... It's good to hear people concern and experience and I do know that they meant well but It's really tiring to have people to tell you stuff all the time.
Been getting lots of tummy tightening and hardening lately, guess my uterus is doing her job to get prepare for the big day, really afraid of the pain that I'll be facing soon. Guess I'll just go for an Epidural when the contractions starts.
Will post some photos in the next coming post. Just needed some ranting to be done now after having a bad day.
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