I use to meet up with my friends once per week before I'm married/Preg. Now I can't even remember when is the last time I've meet up with them. 1 or 2 months ago?
After I'm pregnant, I can literally feel the topic that I'm interested in changes (drastically), the topic on GUYS and CLUBS and PARTY doesn't interest me anymore. Late nights are a turnoff to me and before that I'm at club at least 1-2 times per month! All I'm interested on is baby. maternity, childcare and etc.... (and being healthy).
So, pretty soon I'm drifting apart from my friends those who I hang out most with, as there is lesser topic that we have in common and guess they are tired of hearing me and my happily married life and my excitement to get married.
Well, how I know that they are bored? Because one of them actually post a status that says;
'dont understand why some people just loves to compare, when seriously you can just live contentedly with your own happiness.'
I Know She Is Referring To Me.
Since then I stop sharing my life with them, I guess the less they know the better it is, to prevent them to thinking that I'm showing off my happiness to make them jealous... though I thought that Friends are suppose to share joy and sorrow, but from what I can recall they seem to be more willing to accept the problems + sorrow that I used to have instead of celebrating on the happiness that I'm having now.
Seem like human have no problem accepting someone with flaw as it makes us feel better but have difficulties in accepting someone who is perfect as it makes us feel envy, jealous.. guess that's how 'Nobody is perfect' phrase comes by (for self comfort)-- by Mummy ZiYu
They are not interested at all and I feel like a clown telling them how excited I'm having my first baby. Going out and meeting up with them seem more like a chore instead of something that I used to enjoy a lot, turn to something dreadful it as it feel like putting up a show in front of each other and seem to be very interested in what's going on..
They are from then on classified as 'Hang-out, have fun Only' friends.
Apart from drifting apart from these friends, I suddenly gain lots of other friends who are in the same status as me.
For examples, the married woman and mothers at work and me are suddenly on friendly and chatting terms.... before that the possibility that they will chat with me is close to 1%...
Not a bad thing as they are experienced so I'm able to learn a thing or two from them.
Going on to this status, I'm also more able to see and know who are the real friends who will stay and are really WILLING to listen to all the brawling on pregnancy.. You are lucky to be able to find 1 or 2.. Really!
I got a feeling that those friends who drifts away will come with tons of question one day when they got married or faces pregnancy... Till Then, Take care!!!
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