Wednesday, 5 September 2012

General Update: 28 weeks now

Dear all~

Been so long since my last post there are a few things to update!
We finally know the gender of the little one inside me!!

IT'S A BOY!!! My Little Prince :D

These are some of the photos from the detail scans:

Tiny Little Hand

Tiny Little Feet

Don't the scan look amazing? All the baby's measurement are fine.. The Gynae told us that our baby will not be in normal asian baby size due to the big bones n size that me and my hubby have.
So I have to be mentally prepared to have a giant coming out at the end of pregnancy....


I'm quite lucky to escape the torture of having morning sickness but now I'm definitely suffering from a few side effect of being pregnant!

Heat Rash

The last time I have heat rash is when I'm a lil kid!!! I don't even remember what the feeling is... till now... have this rashes at my thighs, hips, where my pants starts at.. According to the gynae I have to wear 100% cotton clothing to avoid any trapped heat and to apply body powder to ease the itchiness..... I'm relief as long as it's not the PUPPP...

Tiny Itchy bumps

Swollen Feet

I'm living in my sandals now.. at work or going out... It's impossible, totally impossible for me to fit into any of my ballerina flats or any pumps shoes, it's totally too small for me now.. I'm sure you all can tell which is the swollen up feet, search online at baby center:

  'What you're experiencing is edema – that's when excess fluid collects in your tissue. It's normal to have a certain amount of swelling during pregnancy because you're retaining more water. Changes in your blood chemistry also cause some fluid to shift into your tissue.'

I just wish that my feet will be back to the old self after I give birth....


This is a total Pain in the ass... Just Yesterday evening this nightmare starts...
First I feel really full as in 'I'm exploding' kind of full after a regular portion of a meal.
The feeling of something stuck in the throat follows. 
Next there is this uncomfortable feeling like I'm going to vomit because I ate too much which I found out it's actually caused by stomach contents that comes back up from the stomach which contains some acid (digestion juices). 
As i thought that this feeling will pass if i wait it out long enough... I WAS WRONG! 
I finish my dinner at about 7:40pm the irritating sensation stuck there all the way till midnight as i can't  sleep with this burning sensation going on, I'm force to take medicine to ease that heartburn...

This happen after I have my Lunch and dinner today too... Maybe because I ate spicy stuff for both meals n that trigger the heartburn. I'm going to be good and eat something plain tomorrow and see if it will goes away.

Hate this!

Lower Back Ache (prone to injure back muscle)

I admit that I am causing this to myself, My sleeping and sitting position is way too far from the 
standard/correct posture that I ought to be practicing.

Beside the failure of maintaining good posture, I just cant stop myself from tidying up the house even when my hubby tell me to not to do anything... so one bending down + straighten up action send pain to my back and tears to my eyes In an Instant.

Which make me have to rest on the bed for the next 1.5 days... My advice, do light, REALLY LIGHT housework will do. The pain is not worth it. i even have problem turning my self, getting out of bed... etc..

Alright Enough of my complaining... Till next time then, I'm going to take the glucose test next Tuesday, hopefully I'm able to pass the test. NO Sweet stuff for me till the test is over..!!!

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