Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Little one is out!!!!

My own personal experience in Labor

In Fact even a few days before labor. 

Just When I turn 37weeks pregnant I was think Finally it's full term and I can't wait to meet my little one? (remember my last post?)

So on the 37weeks+1 Day I feel Extremely Restless... I can't sit still, can't really concentrate on work, feeling like something is vent up right inside me and make me took a half day urgent leave to go clear my own head.. I went to trim(cut) my hair again, i know it's already short but I just have a feeling to cut it shorter which I have regretted now as my hair look weird as compare to my last cut.

So I make a post on Facebook and I got the response as below:

I got a bit freak out by my friends.. I do wanna meet my little one but I haven't got the mental preparation. But that day went by as per normal. Till that fateful 10-11-12.

It's not even 5am in the morning I'm sleeping n I feel something leaking between my legs...... the 1st instinct is to wake my hubby up.

me: 'dear.. It's leaking.. got water..'
hb: *turn to back facing me* *grunt*
me: 'It Leaking!! got Water!'
hb: *grunt* what water where got water..... *grunts*
me: =.="" ' MY WATER BAG LEAKING!!!!!!'
hb: 'HUH?!' *jump up from the bed*

I don't even dare to move and when I gets up from the bed my water is like loose water tap.... all the water are gushing out from me, but instead of rushing to the hospital immediately, I went for a shower and go to the nearby McDonald for breakfast before heading to the hospital.

It's a embarrassing trip to the McDonald I have wet my whole pants from the water leakage and after I have eaten I've wet the seat with my water as well.. Don't be mistaken I did put on a extra heavy flow sanitary pad to hold the water before we head out. By the time I reached hospital my pant is wet to almost dripping water.... 
*for anyone curious, description of the water: it's in light pinkish tone*

I got admitted into the observation ward they have check and I have 0cm dilation and the little one is still high up there so when the doc came he give me a tablet to soften the crevice to see how it goes in a few hours. 

SO, a few hours went by at 12noon there is still no dilation and in went another pill... and by 6pm there is still NO Dilation!!!!! It's already 12hours in the bed and my little on is no where close to the exit mark!! I asked for epidural and the drip induction so that I can have the baby out asap. So I waited from about 6 pm till 10pm, 4hours went by... I only have 2.5cm dilation it's freaking far from the standard 10cm dilation. 

By then. all the nauseous came in together with breathless and racing heartbeat.. I got a Cesarean birth at 11pm+ instead and i have my little one in my arms... :)

By the way, almost everyone says that the epidural shot is painful but not to me..  don't feel anything when the needle went inside my spine.... only a tingly feeling of the epidural that's all.

Will update on life with my newborn child in the next post!!!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Week 37: full term

At last... I finally reaches the full term week!!!
It means I'll be able to meet my little one soon and also putting an end to carrying a big tummy everywhere I go.

At work

People have been asking me when am I due or when will the baby be out, so I have been educating people about the 'range of 5 weeks' thing and it's not up to me to decide when I want the baby to be out (unless I have opt for a C-Section which I didn't). It's entirely up to the lil one decision on when to come out to say hi.

Beside the questioning, people around me seems to be more careful when I'm around, most try to help me with task so I don't need to walk around much. Most people tell me to walk slowly and be careful of this and that etc etc.. somehow they feel like I'm very fragile and will break at any moment.

At home

The maid that we hired finally arrived a couple of weeks ago. It is so so so so strange to have another person in the house, a outsider, I don't know how long I will take to get use to it and I am not even entirely use to living with my hubby and mother in law yet even after these few months....  I wonder how long I'll take to adjust myself, not to mention that the lil one will be out soon, guess there will be a lot of adjustment and getting use to being required.

Been trying to tidy up things to get ready for the arrival of my lil one but it just seem like everything is still half done and the worse thing is that I'm is getting a lil bit too huge to move around and be as agile as I use to be.


I am worried that I might get postpartum depression, which is not a uncommon thing to happen to new mummies, even now when I'm having negative thoughts, it STAYS in my mind for at least 1-2days, really afraid that I will not be able to cope well with my new role, a mother.

How to not be frighten when I still feel like a child now? People always says that a person will be mature after being a parent etc etc. BUT that isn't going to happen overnight right? Even a optimistic person (usually) like me will feel depress and also at lost at times. ESPECIALLY now, I'm pregnant, all the hormones and stuff just make me unlike myself sometimes, getting work up over little things.

People around me have been telling me what I should do and what I should not do during the past few months till I have quite enough of it and different people says different things so which one should i actually listen to? For people with experience of being pregnant they should know that all pregnancy are different, why do they impose what they have gone through to me... =.=

I'm quite looking forward to ending of pregnancy Do and Don't from peoples but What coming up next will be infant/childcare Dos and Don'ts.. AND confinement Dos and Don'ts... It's good to hear people concern and experience and I do know that they meant well but It's really tiring to have people to tell you stuff all the time.

Been getting lots of tummy tightening and hardening lately, guess my uterus is doing her job to get prepare for the big day, really afraid of the pain that I'll be facing soon. Guess I'll just go for an Epidural when the contractions starts.

Will post some photos in the next coming post. Just needed some ranting to be done now after having a bad day.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

A Decision

I always wonder why does woman tends to cut their hair short after they got pregnant. Now, as one of them, I fully understand the rationale of it.

Just 2 Days ago, me n 3 other colleagues decided to go to Sushi Tei for lunch (I ordered Chicken Katsu Curry rice nothing raw.) it's situated inside a shopping mall. Beside me being breathless from walking from the MRT station to the destination, I am Perspiring like hell. I thought that it will be alright as we are all in a air-conditioned place for lunch but no, not only did I keep perspiring, I had used about 2-3 sheets of tissue to wipe off my sweats... And I couldn't stop complaining about how hot and stuffy it is there when all my other colleagues says the place is normal temperature.... (and the air-con is working)

Sound Crazy huh? After we got back to the office after lunch, I learnt that I might be only able to wash my hair after I give birth during the one month confinement.... I'm having middle length hair people, Not to mention Singapore's weather Hot and Humid!! although I might be only getting my confinement in December, consider not that hot period, but not washing hair? my scalp do get oily and my hair is always plastered to my head at the end of a day, How to TAHAN not washing my hair? Not only it will stink, I will feel uncomfortable, I'm afraid that my scalp will have problem after that!!!

So I Made a decision....



I Made the decision to say good bye to my long hair.. which I always have since my Secondary school days...
SO, Good Bye Hair...

In memories
BTW, if you are wondering where did I get my haircut, it's at J-saloon located at Far East Plaza, Hairstylist name: Bell.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Week 33: Gynae Visit

Do you look forward to the Gynae appointments like I do? 

I'm 33 weeks~~ saw my dear boy looking healthy and comfy today at the gynae! (Thru the Ultrasound of course!)

Not sure about u all but I can totally make out the face of my dear boy from this u/s scan :D
He have Chubby Cheeks!! such a cutie...

OK gynae tell me to watch my diet and do exercise... seriously besides walking I don't think there is any other exercise I'm able to do, I can't even fit into the maternity one piece swim suit that I had bought 2-3 months ago boobs and tummy are simply too big for it and My boobs will burst out from the normal swimwear that I usually wore pre-pregnancy..

According to my gynae... There will be NO cakes, chocolates, Ice-cream, durians for me.... the only fruit that gynae tell me to have is Apple, only apples... well guess some strawberries, pineapples, kiwis and pears wont hurt too... keke!

I've complain about the pain in my hand, wrist and some of the joints in the fingers to the him, n according to him, it's because of water retention!!! Due to gravity, when we sleep the fluid in our body will flow upwards or even out (horizontally *think of a water bottle laying flat*) and thus cause the water retention in the hands.

Then, while the day pass and if I'm are sitting down/standing a lot it's my legs turn to get the water retention. That explains why my feet are usually swollen at the end of the day and I woke up with pain in my hands.... Gynae say: 'Don't worry, all these will disappear after you give birth.' Woah, so that also means I have to endure with these for another 7+/- weeks... T_T

BTW incase you all are wondering, my Gynae is Dr Benjamin Tham from W.C Cheng & Associates at Thomson Medical Centre a very nice uncle, friendly too.
His photo as below:
from Google search

Friday, 5 October 2012

Unbearable heat n increasing appetite....

I AM 32 WEEKS NOW!!!!!

Counting down~!! another 8 more weeks my dear baby boy will be out!!

As for now beside having occasionally swollen feet, the next enemy is the heat! I feel like a walking oven, everywhere I go must be Air-conditioned.

My work Place
It's so stuffy and hot in the office, even though it's already full Air-conditioned,I ave to have a mini fan blowing at me all the time.

When I'm not in the kitchen looking for food or dining table eating, you will be able to find me siting directly in front of a fan, sometimes with air-con on.
When it comes to sleeping time, the air-con is on to 22 deg with level 3 fan, Hubby is complaining that the room is suitable to raise a polar bear at the rate im going. BUT hello!! I woke up cover in sweats all the time. Seems like the temperature is not cooling enough.

REALLY irritating right?

The next bad thing is that I can't stop eating! Is like I have to have something in my mouth every other hour... 

Biscuits, Chocolates, fruits, yoghurt, basically anything that I can lay my hands on (edible of course) Healthy or unhealthy or not I'll pop it into my mouth... So that this rate I'm eating, my weight really increases A LOT, now I'm worry what my gynae will says on this coming Tuesday appointment...

I feel so guilty eating so much and gaining so much of weight... I know the baby need to 'fat out' in the last trimester but I didn't foresee that I'll be joining his expedition in Fat Out too..... OMG!! Now I'm so damn worried that I wont be able to lose the weight after the dear boy is out... I don't want to look like a fat aunty (I'm only 24!!!)

IF only they don't taste so good.......alright... I'm off to get something to much on now... UPDATE SOON.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

The Disgusting Glucose Test

I went for my Glucose tolerance test today at Thomson Medical Centre..

Firstly, those who need to be tested are overweight, have family history of diabetic. I happen to fall into both of the 'requirement' for the test.

So, I have to fast the night before, no food and little water after 10pm, no food n little water for the morning all the way till the test.

The test is separated into two part, the Fasting and after the 75g of glucose.

So the first reading is taken and the nurse pass me a bottle of orangey liquid which is actually very concentrated glucose drink. It taste like bubble tea with 150% of sugar level!!!!!! Almost puke after I gulp down the liquid, the nurse ask me if I'm feeling alright, I really feel like asking her to try gulping down that bottle of liquid within 5mins and endure for another 2hrs with just some sips of water for the test...

So during that two hour, I went on with the normal gynae visit, the usual scanning and my complain of swelling of my feet and some backache which takes less than 15mins before I'm sent back to the 'waiting area' where it's a total torture siting there waiting in hunger with the intriguing smell of delifrance just a few steps away.

More on the test, they use a one time needle to prick on one of ur fingertip to get the 2nd drop of blood out for the test. Then, the 2nd drop of blood is to go onto a strip attached to a reader which give u the result in just 5seconds.

That disgusting drink!!!
Strip attached to the reader.
(These two photo above are taken from Google search, I swear that I've drank that same liquid down)

Result after 2hrs of torture.
I'M lucky!! To pass the test in the end, which means I am still able to eat my chocolates, biscuits, ice-cream and all other sinful food as and when I want!!! in moderate.

Heard that if I fail the test I'll need to do a 7 point test where I'll  have to drink 7 bottle of that disgusting liquid the next day. Also to test my the blood sugar level every single days....
(I'm unsure of this as I've pass)

Hope You are as lucky as me!!!

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

General Update: 28 weeks now

Dear all~

Been so long since my last post there are a few things to update!
We finally know the gender of the little one inside me!!

IT'S A BOY!!! My Little Prince :D

These are some of the photos from the detail scans:

Tiny Little Hand

Tiny Little Feet

Don't the scan look amazing? All the baby's measurement are fine.. The Gynae told us that our baby will not be in normal asian baby size due to the big bones n size that me and my hubby have.
So I have to be mentally prepared to have a giant coming out at the end of pregnancy....


I'm quite lucky to escape the torture of having morning sickness but now I'm definitely suffering from a few side effect of being pregnant!

Heat Rash

The last time I have heat rash is when I'm a lil kid!!! I don't even remember what the feeling is... till now... have this rashes at my thighs, hips, where my pants starts at.. According to the gynae I have to wear 100% cotton clothing to avoid any trapped heat and to apply body powder to ease the itchiness..... I'm relief as long as it's not the PUPPP...

Tiny Itchy bumps

Swollen Feet

I'm living in my sandals now.. at work or going out... It's impossible, totally impossible for me to fit into any of my ballerina flats or any pumps shoes, it's totally too small for me now.. I'm sure you all can tell which is the swollen up feet, search online at baby center:

  'What you're experiencing is edema – that's when excess fluid collects in your tissue. It's normal to have a certain amount of swelling during pregnancy because you're retaining more water. Changes in your blood chemistry also cause some fluid to shift into your tissue.'

I just wish that my feet will be back to the old self after I give birth....


This is a total Pain in the ass... Just Yesterday evening this nightmare starts...
First I feel really full as in 'I'm exploding' kind of full after a regular portion of a meal.
The feeling of something stuck in the throat follows. 
Next there is this uncomfortable feeling like I'm going to vomit because I ate too much which I found out it's actually caused by stomach contents that comes back up from the stomach which contains some acid (digestion juices). 
As i thought that this feeling will pass if i wait it out long enough... I WAS WRONG! 
I finish my dinner at about 7:40pm the irritating sensation stuck there all the way till midnight as i can't  sleep with this burning sensation going on, I'm force to take medicine to ease that heartburn...

This happen after I have my Lunch and dinner today too... Maybe because I ate spicy stuff for both meals n that trigger the heartburn. I'm going to be good and eat something plain tomorrow and see if it will goes away.

Hate this!

Lower Back Ache (prone to injure back muscle)

I admit that I am causing this to myself, My sleeping and sitting position is way too far from the 
standard/correct posture that I ought to be practicing.

Beside the failure of maintaining good posture, I just cant stop myself from tidying up the house even when my hubby tell me to not to do anything... so one bending down + straighten up action send pain to my back and tears to my eyes In an Instant.

Which make me have to rest on the bed for the next 1.5 days... My advice, do light, REALLY LIGHT housework will do. The pain is not worth it. i even have problem turning my self, getting out of bed... etc..

Alright Enough of my complaining... Till next time then, I'm going to take the glucose test next Tuesday, hopefully I'm able to pass the test. NO Sweet stuff for me till the test is over..!!!

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Friends during pregnancy.

I'm 24 this year and most of my friends are and 9/10 of them are singles or attached. Marriage still seems to be a faraway thing for them.

I use to meet up with my friends once per week before I'm married/Preg. Now I can't even remember when is the last time I've meet up with them. 1 or 2 months ago?

After I'm pregnant, I can literally feel the topic that I'm interested in changes (drastically), the topic on GUYS and CLUBS and PARTY doesn't interest me anymore. Late nights are a turnoff to me and before that I'm at club at least 1-2 times per month! All I'm interested on is baby. maternity, childcare and etc.... (and being healthy).

So, pretty soon I'm drifting apart from my friends those who I hang out most with, as there is lesser topic that we have in common and guess they are tired of hearing me and my happily married life and my excitement to get married.

Well, how I know that they are bored? Because one of them actually post a status that says;
'dont understand why some people just loves to compare, when seriously you can just live contentedly with your own happiness.'

I Know She Is Referring To Me.

Since then I stop sharing my life with them, I guess the less they know the better it is, to prevent them to thinking that I'm showing off my happiness to make them jealous... though I thought that Friends are suppose to share joy and sorrow, but from what I can recall they seem to be more willing to accept the problems + sorrow that I used to have instead of celebrating on the happiness that I'm having now.

Seem like human have no problem accepting someone with flaw as it makes us feel better but have difficulties in accepting someone who is perfect as it makes us feel envy, jealous.. guess that's how 'Nobody is perfect' phrase comes by (for self comfort)-- by Mummy ZiYu

They are not interested at all and I feel like a clown telling them how excited I'm having my first baby. Going out and meeting up with them seem more like a chore instead of something that I used to enjoy a lot, turn to something dreadful it as it feel like putting up a show in front of each other and seem to be very interested in what's going on..

They are from then on classified as 'Hang-out, have fun Only' friends.

Apart from drifting apart from these friends, I suddenly gain lots of other friends who are in the same status as me.

For examples, the married woman and mothers at work and me are suddenly on friendly and chatting terms.... before that the possibility that they will chat with me is close to 1%...

Not a bad thing as they are experienced so I'm able to learn a thing or two from them.

Going on to this status, I'm also more able to see and know who are the real friends who will stay and are really WILLING to listen to all the brawling on pregnancy.. You are lucky to be able to find 1 or 2.. Really!

I got a feeling that those friends who drifts away will come with tons of question one day when they got married or faces pregnancy...  Till Then, Take care!!!

Monday, 16 July 2012


Lots of these tales circulating on what should pregnant women do and should not do. *roll eyes*
I am a very stubborn pregnant woman who is not going on to 21st week of my 1st pregnancy. As far as I know EVERYONE is different, how each and everyone reacts to food, drinks, music and even movies are totally different. SO, I'll really appreacite people to stop telling me what to do during this period especially when I'm already not getting enough sleep =.= YAWN
(who says you get more sleep during 2nd trimester? I still wake about 2-3 times to the loo every single night)

I'm going to get cranky and snap back at the nest person who say 'oh u shld not do this....', 'oh! this isn't good for the baby....'

Please see below for some old wives tales which I've been told:-


Seriously? I know this fruit is known to avoid it during pregnancy as it can induce labor due to the bromelain, an enzyme which aids the ripening and softening of the cervice. But do anyone know what the amount that you need to have that to happen?? 7 big pineapple will only manage to get you to have slight diarrhea.

I can barely finish half of an pineapple alone. So what I guess is not to worry if you are just having a slice of it, it contains superb vitamins which aids digestion which alot of pregnant woman need!

2: No Watching of Violent, Gore, Horror Movies

One of my hubby's friend pregnant wife got a nightmare after watching a movie (forget which movie is that), she woke up with racing heartbeat and feel her baby moving around in her belly.

From then on she condemn horror movies for people in their pregnancy.

What I personally feel is that everyone have different threshold of fear level, what scares her might not scares other people. To be honest I've been watching Bones, True Blood, Vampire diaries before also during my pregnancy... no nightmare so far :)

3: NO raising up of arms above my head \o/

Why? according to my mother in law it's because the Umbilical Cord will strangle my baby inside when I raise my arms...

What I have found online on google is that the cord is wrapped around the baby's neck on about one-third of all births. It is the movement of the baby during the early part of the pregnancy that results in the cord being wrapped around the neck, arm, or leg, or creates knots in the cord. The movement of your arms has no physical effect on the position of the umbilical cord within the amniotic sac.

What I know is that the Umbilical cord is connected to the tummy of the little one so if it's being move.. the whole tummy will move, anyone who knows more about this please leave a comment :)

4: Do not stare at people with defects

It's said that if you say rude comments to people with defects or stare at them, your baby will turn out to be like them... (OMG.. Scary!!)

Yes I know about this but more on a courtesy note, as staring at people with defects or illness is Rude even when you are not pregnant.

So, no problem with that at all.

5: No Painting, Nailing at home during pregnancy

According to the tales, the baby will get moles or patches of birthmarks if you have done any of these.

How accurate this is? I'm not sure but for Preventive measure I'm keeping that in mind. I want a fair, chubby and cute baby!

6: NO moving/shifting of the master bed

From what I've heard it's says that shifting of the bed will cause the shifting of the fetus too, which will result in wrong position during labor. (Feets instead of head first)

I'm feeling baby's movement inside so isn't the baby moving and shifting around all the time? Not sure how true is this though but my husband and mother in law are totally against to any movement to be done to the bed.

So much for these Old Wives Tales, but beside the first 3 that I've mention, I do believe them to a certain extent, for any food, music, movies it's towards a person liking and also craving. I've hated pineapple since I'm a kid but now I craves for pineapple sometimes.

If you are really concern about what to eat and what to avoid, please look it up online or consult your doctor, I feel everything is fine as long as it's taken under moderation.

Can't wait for Thursday to be here for the next gynae session!!!!

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

The Incredible Appetite?

Dear all,

I'm like 19 weeks pregnant and I just can't stop eating!!! Beside the normal 3 meals (breakfast, Lunch and Dinner), which I usually can't seem to be able to stop myself to have fruits, rasin, nuts, biscuit, cereal etc..ete.. in between the meals.

I will need to deal with my appetite and control the amount of sugar intake!!!

The most fustrating thing is that I'm not able to even finish my proper 3 meals, it seems like although my mouth is itchy for food all the time but half a portion of a normal meal will be able to fill me up, which leads to lots of food being stuff in to my hubby's stomach instead... hahahaha..

Myth of having craving?

I do not have any special craving so far, beside eating Tom Yum Bee Hoon Kuey and prefer my food to be a little more spicy, nothing more.

Hubby is lucky that I didn't wake up in at 3am and demand for food. He keep asking me (baby) if we wanna have durians or not though. Durian are said to be Very good in nutrients for baby another myth I guess?

Well, the Doctor tell me to stay away from fruit (durian, mangoes, grapes) that are high in sugar as I had already put on too much weight. I had alredy put on about 6kg!!! and the maximum I am allowed to gain is about 10-12kg, and I am not even in my late 2nd trimester yet... (I NEED TO CONTROL)

Yeah control but still cant help to reach for a bite of that fruits and nut chocolate bar, a cupcake from 12cupcakes... T_T

I've read up that I'm only suppose to take in another 250 to 300calories more as compare to when i'm not pregnant, that is enough nutrients for the baby to grow, so those people who say 'you eat more because you are eating for two.' are totally clueless about being pregnant.

Gaining too much of weight during pregnancy will leads to:
 A higher incidence of gestational diabetes – five times more common than the average weight women.
Twice the risk of delivering children who will suffer from diabetes.
At increased risk for pre-eclampsia and eclampsia.
Cesarean section is performed much more frequently.
The higher levels of free fatty acids can hinder intellectual development in their children.
A higher rate of urinary tract infection in pregnancy.
Babies tend to be overweight or glucose intolerance. Both of these increase the chances that the child will develop childhood obesity.
Have a higher rate of premature labor.
A higher chance of late fetal loss, as well as a higher chance of stillbirth.
A larger risk of malformations.

**taken from **

Understand my concern now? Just being careful for the sake of my little precious health and also my own health.

Note: Overweight pregnant women Watch what you are eating, count the calories.. There is really a need for that!

Friday, 29 June 2012

Being pregnant at 24

I am 18 weeks into pregnancy!

I am going 24yr old this year, a age where most of my friends are still having fun clubbing, staying up all night long, partying and doing all sort of crazy stuff. All these stuff comes to a stop for me once I learn that I'm pregnant at March this year.

My First Reaction
I still remember the day I went to a clinic in complain of feeling nauseous and dizzy, the moment my pregnancy test come out positive My TEARS CAN'T STOP FLOWING. It's a mixture of feeling; surprised (even though I'm half suspecting it, late periods and stuff), feeling excited but also being scare as I'm unmarried at that point of time. I don't know why but the feeling of having a life inside me is so Freaking Amazing that my tears flows non stop almost 1-2 hours, not like a waterfall more like a leaking tap.

The Down Side
How to break the news to my parents is freaking me out and the thoughts of how people will look at me for being pregnant and unmarried is really putting me down but however the option of going for an abortion have NEVER cross my mind. 
(well, I've been telling my friends that I'll abort if I'm pregnant beforehand)

In case you are wondering where is the father, he is very supportive because he always want to have kids so we got married in May and is living together now. (Mostly Happily)

Morning Sickness???
This  is the question I've gotten most! and I proudly answer them that I did not vomit even once during the first trimester even though I have the nauseous and dizzy spell but I'm consider lucky for not having to stuck my head around the toilet bowl in the morning :)

However I do feel extremely tired during the first trimester, like I can NEVER get enough sleep and all I can think of is sleeping, at work, in transport, while going out with friends... etc. I can go to bed as early as 9pm plus at night and still feel tired the next day! I looked it up on Google and it seems to be  pretty normal to feel tired (as body is working extra hard and provide nutrients for baby growth).

Baby Date
Since this is the first blog about my pregnancy, I'm going to do up all the gynae visit I had till now!

The 1st time we went to the Gynae is During on 2nd April, about 6 weeks pregnant mostly to confirm that I'm indeed pregnant and to check the heartbeat of the baby, also to see how many baby I'm having.
Just a sac and a pea like thing
 The 2nd time is when I'm about 9 weeks pregnant, to check if the baby is healthy or not, nothing much though still is the sac and baby looking like embryo, can't tell on the Ultra sound photo.

Look like a lump of baby
I'm 13weeks pregnant During the 3rd visit to the Gynae, for doing OSCAR Test, a scan to check if the baby is growing well, if there is risk of my baby having down syndrome and also to do a blood test. The test comes out well, Baby is at low risk and I'm healthy! (I can see my baby's arms and legs moving around during this time round!)

Able to tell the head and the body apart!
The most recent scan is while I'm 17weeks pregnant! which is just last week :) I've been really looking forward to this scan as this is the period where the gynae will be able to tell if my baby is a boy or a girl!  HOWEVER, the shy baby in me doesn't like people peaking at the private part.... now i have to wait till mid July for detailed scan to know the gender! by then the Sale period will be long over!! Boo~~~
Baby in fetus position
Isn't this amazing? from a pea to a formed baby, that's the life that is happening right now, inside me!

Off to have a nap before going for The Amazing Spider-Man movie later :D